ICJR1020 | Indian Criminal Justice Reform

Course Information

  • 2020-21
  • ICJR1020
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.), LL.M.
  • V
  • Mar 2021
  • Elective Course

How does this course relate to the programme curriculum – This course is an elective. It develops on the Criminal Law core course which is a core course mandated by Bar Council or UGC.

Describe how you have approached the course. We will first read the legal statutes/case law  and then critically analyse the same using a set of theoretical and empirical tools. Each module takes up a particular issue and then seeks to study it using a particular approach.

Describe your pedagogical method: Each module begins with a lecture which is then followed by a seminar style discussion of the readings. The discussion will be moderated by the teacher and supplemented from the materials wherever necessary

Describe the layout of the course: The course is divided into 5 modules. Each module covers a single topic, a particular case or statutory amendment, which is critically studied in light of the theoretical and empirical readings.
Module One: Section 377 and the politics of criminalisation
Module Two: Narco analysis and the right against self-incrimination
Module Three: The Death Row phenomenon and delay in disposal of mercy petitions
Module Four: Undertrial prisoners and the law and practice of Bail
Module Five: Judging the Efficacy of the 2010 Amendments to Rape Laws


Tasneem Ravindra Deo

Visiting Faculty