The DPIIT IPR Chair at NLSIU is dedicated to promoting teaching and research excellence in the area of Intellectual Property (IP) laws. This Chair is supported by the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade (DPIIT), Ministry of Commerce and Industry, Government of India.
Mission & Objectives
The Chair aims to promote public interest in the area of intellectual property through diverse activities including –
- Teaching: Offering IP courses for students and professionals.
- Research: Conducting cutting-edge, multidisciplinary research on fundamental and emerging areas of intellectual property laws.
- Dissemination: Engaging in diverse knowledge dissemination activities to raise awareness and deeper understanding of IP issues among different stakeholders.
- Capacity Building: Undertaking capacity building measures for a balanced IP regime that promotes both creativity and public interest.
Key Activities
Teaching: Teaching activities include offering survey courses in the area of IP, advanced seminars, and training workshops for professionals covering various aspects of IP such as
copyright, patents, trademarks, and trade secrets.
Research Initiatives: Researchers and scholars associated with the Chair undertake research projects in diverse areas of IP. Current areas of research focus include copyright exceptions in
the context of emerging technologies and review of software patent related provisions, in the context of AI related developments.
Workshops and Conferences: Chair organises public lectures, workshops, and conferences to facilitate interactions and collaboration among academics, practitioners, and other stakeholders.
Internships: The Chair offers internships wherein students are given an opportunity to work as part of the activities of the Chair. Interested students may contact the Chair with an updated CV and a motivation letter (not more than 1000 words) clearly describing their motivation for application.
For more information about our activities and upcoming events, please email us at
DPIIT IPR Chair Professor: Dr Arul George Scaria