FL201 | Family Law II

Course Information

  • 2021-22
  • FL201
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
  • II
  • Nov 2021
  • Core Course

Family Law II is a foundational course intended to give the student a broad view of the laws relating to testamentary and intestate succession in India. In addition to this, certain topics of personal law which deal with property and related matters such as gifts, wakfs and wills etc will also be covered.

 The thrust is not only to provide a basic subject knowledge, but also to develop problem oriented thinking and an analytical approach. In keeping with this, a few sessions have been devoted to exercises and interactive learning.

 Workbooks on Hindu Law, Christian Law, Parsi Law and Muslim Law as well as on Construction of Wills will be given when the modules are taken up. A historical perspective of the law, as well as a comparative look at some areas of the law, have also been included to further analytical thinking.


Dr. Sarasu Esther Thomas

Professor of Law

Dr. Sharada R. Shindhe

Assistant Professor of Law