IPR401 | Intellectual Property Law

Course Information

  • 2022-23
  • IPR401
  • 5-Year B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
  • IV
  • Nov 2022
  • Core Course

This is a core course that will provide students an overview of the existing and emerging types ofintellectual property rights. It will introduce students to the legal, philosophical, economic andhistorical dimensions of different kinds of intellectual property rights. Through such acomprehensive exploration, it will also help students critically examine how different kinds of intellectual property rights influence (positively or negatively) creativity and innovation.

The reading materials are a mix of primary and secondary materials from different parts of the world. The course will be using socratic discussions and case-studies as primary pedagogical approaches and this necessitates reading of the assigned reading materials before each of the class sessions.


Dr. Arul George Scaria

Associate Professor of Law