ST909 | Social Transformation

Course Information

  • 2020-21
  • ST909
  • Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • I
  • Nov 2020
  • Core Course

How society changes is a key subject matter of study in this course. Public policy as a change
towards socially consented desirable goal, it is important for the participants to gain confidence
to steer this change process. Beyond understanding the change and its undercurrents, how such
change could be orchestrated needs to be understood. How human agency has a role in the
change process will be examined through theories drawing from history, political science and
sociology. The course will also contextualise participants in Indian scenario examining
successful/failed projects of social transformation in India. As part of this, participants will be
introduced to structural nature of India society rooted in group inequality (caste, gender and
tribal identities). What impact these identities have on the social transformation attempts will
also be dealt with.