Amlan Mohanty
Visiting Faculty
Jul 2024
Mar 2023
B.A., LL.B.(Hons.), National Law School of India University
Amlan Mohanty is a technology lawyer and policy advisor based in Bangalore, with over a decade’s experience working with tech companies, law firms, think tanks, and the government. Before going independent, he led Google’s public policy and government affairs portfolio in India across privacy, content regulation, competition, and artificial intelligence.
Prior to that, he worked at some of India’s most reputed law firms and has helped the Indian government develop landmark policies on privacy, content policy, and telecom. He is a non-resident scholar at Carnegie India and has taught courses at the National Law School of India University and Career Launcher.
During his time at NLSIU, he was chief editor of the Indian Journal of Law and Technology. He writes about the impact of technology on society on his website Techlawtopia.
- Techlawtopia, available at: https://www.techlawtopia.com/author/amlan/
- Carnegie India, available at: https://carnegieindia.org/experts/2290
- The Wire, available at: https://thewire.in/author/amohanty
- Down To Earth, available at: https://www.downtoearth.org.in/author/amlan-mohanty-2226
- SpicyIP, available at https://spicyip.com/author/amlan-mohanty