RM910 | Research Methodology

Course Information

  • 2020-21
  • RM910
  • Master's Programme in Public Policy
  • I
  • Nov 2020
  • Core Course

This course is a skill-oriented course as a continuation of the first trimester course on
Introduction to Data Systems. At the end of this this course, participants gain the capability to
design scientific research, and data collection tools. The course will be useful to carry out
assignments as part of the course as well as to complete the dissertation in the second year.
The course begins with the complex nature of social science research and different
assumptions in epistemology and ontology. After familiarizing with different traditions of social
science research, participants have to be taken through stages of research. Here, they will be
encouraged to read original research writings (journal articles, dissertations completed etc).
Then they learn formulating research problem, research question, Design aspects of research,
Hypothesis testing, sampling methods, analyzing different forms of data.


Sony Pelliserry
Dr. Sony Pellissery

Professor & Co-Director, CSSEIP