Equal Opportunity Cell

The Equal Opportunity Cell (EOC) at NLSIU was constituted to address the issues relating to marginalisation and exclusion of minority groups, including those based on caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and disability, amongst students, faculty and staff of the NLSIU community. The EOC also proactively works on discrimination policies, grievance redressal procedures, and sensitization programmes.

To report grievances, please write to .

EOC Members:

1. Prof. Sanjay Jain – Convener
2. Dr. Nagarathna A. – Member
3. Dr. Manpreet Singh Dhillon – Member

The term of the EOC shall ordinarily be two years.


  • Promote equality among students, staff and faculty from all sections of society.
  • Tackle / prevent discrimination against or respond to harassment of any student, staff and faculty by prohibiting it and by providing for preventive and protective measures to facilitate its eradication and recommend disciplinary actions for those who indulge in any form of discrimination or harassment.
  • Safeguard the interests of the students, staff and faculty without any prejudice to their caste, creed, religion, language, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender and disability (both mental, and physical).
  • Conduct mandatory orientation and sensitization programmes for the students of the University.
  • Ensure that such sessions are mandatorily included as part of the orientation programs held for newly enrolled students, each academic year.
  • On and from the next academic year commencing July 2024, the EOC shall also organise similar orientation programs for the faculty and staff, at the University


  • Any member of the NLSIU community, including students and staff can report their complaints by writing to
  • Upon receipt of the complaint, the EOC shall conduct a preliminary inquiry, and determine within 10 days, the follow up action required, after following due process.
  • The EOC shall consider, inter-alia, the nature of the complaint and the parties involved, before recommending an appropriate course of action.
  • Pursuant to a preliminary inquiry, the EOC shall make the following recommendations, including without limitation:
    (a). refer the matter to counselling / mediation / negotiation for an amicable resolution;
    (b). in the case of a student respondent, refer the matter to a competent committee constituted under the existing Regulations of NLSIU, including the Disciplinary Matters Advisory Review and Investigation Committee / Sexual Harassment Inquiry Committee / Residence Life Disciplinary Committee / Anti Ragging Squad etc. for further inquiry and disciplinary action, as appropriate; and
    (c). in the case of a faculty / staff respondent, request the Registrar to nominate a third member to the EOC to form an Inquiry Committee, empowered to take all necessary steps to regulate and enforce discipline among the employees of the University, and to take such disciplinary measures as may be deemed necessary, pursuant to the Clause 5 (xii) of the National Law School of India Act, 1986.
  • Subject to the provisions under the applicable Regulations in force at the University, any person aggrieved by the recommendations of the EOC under ‘point (c)’ may prefer an appeal within 10 days from the date of the recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor.
  • The entire proceedings to decide on complaints will be completed within a maximum period of 60 days, from the date of receipt of submission of such complaints.
  • At the end of each Academic Year, the EOC shall submit an ‘Action Taken Report” to the University administration compiling the aggregate number of complaints, action taken on these complaints and recommendations on policy measures to be adopted by the University in the year ahead.